In honor of Memorial Day, Cletus was a Stars and Bars themed workout to honor all of those that have sacrificed so that we may live under Old Glory and all the freedoms and privileges that entails.  We welcomed two FNG’s to our ranks today, welcome Griswold and Crablegs, and we also were glad to have a guest from Fort Mill, welcome Catfish.  50 stars and 13 bars was the theme so we did a string of pearls around the track stopping every half lap to do 50 sets of one exercise and 13 of another.

Warm up:  Jog half lap, Circle up for 25 side straddle hops, 10 good mornings, 20 Fazio Arm Circles, 20 Imperial Walkers

50&13 String of Pearls

Start out with 50 standard merkins OYO and 13 burpees OYO, Jog half lap

50 LBC OYO and 13 Pull Ups, jog half lap

50 Second balls to wall, 1:30 chill cut plank hold, jog half lap

50 box jumps OYO, 13 derkins, jog half lap

50 mountain climbers on 3 count cadence, 13 bull frog merkin/wheelbarrow combo, jog half lap

50 squats, 6 bear crawls down hill with two burpees at bottom jog back up and repeat 6 times with 3 burpees on last one for a total of 13

Jog over to tennis courts for COT