With a PAX of 23, Lourdes of Discipline quickly was transformed into a modified improv class.  NO Q showed, so we got at it.  On this soggy, humid morning we came together and showed em how to improvise, reminiscent of the Wild Style ’75.

Warm Up:

SSH x 20, GM x 20, EW x 20, Squat Pyramid up to 15 & back down.

The Thang:

Furley Mile to Cooleemee & back.  Congregated back in lot near baseball field for quick ab work (Plank work, LBC, 15 Merkins OYO).  Mosey over to Overbrook for Jacob’s Ladder.  Freddy Mercury x 5, run backward up hill Burpee x 2…Goal to get up the hill 7 times.


Low slow flutter x 20 (out of time)

Naked Moleskin:

Announcements: Congrats to Jefferson Griffin (forgot f3 name) for his appointment to District Court Judge.

No prayer requests, but Peach Pit took us out with a good word.