Hey Brothers,
Some of you know that my dad helped launch a free health clinic in Mooresville before he passed away. What started as an idea to provide free dental care to those who couldn’t afford it has grown into an incredible free health clinic that served 4,000 people in Mooresville last year, for free. I was honored to be present two weeks ago when they awarded the Jay Lewis Volunteer Award to the Volunteers of the Year. It’s an incredible legacy that I try to live up to each day.
Well there is a contest going where a charity that gets the most votes wins $10K. That will pay for a LOT of medication and health supplies for that community. If you have a moment each day between today and the 28th, I sure would appreciate it if you’d take 5 seconds, click this link and vote for my dad’s legacy, Healthreach Clinic of Mooresville.
Thanks brothers. (And yes, the article below says I was present via Zoom. Have fun with that, it was worth it.)