2014 was a big year in a lot of ways, but none of them really matter all that much when it’s 0530, pitch black outside, and you and your buddies are hurling around spheres of iron. All that matters is not letting go when half way up a standard swing.

Warm-Up: A light jog around the parking lots, SSH, Imperials, Merkins, and a KB carry down to the track with a partner.

The Thang: Partner 1 – Run the track, Partner 2 – Sets of 10 of each exercise listed below (AMSAP), Flapjack.

  • 2-Handed Swings & Single-Arm Clean and Press (Note: this is where Cinderella rolled in after rucking the 6+ miles to the site. Strong work brother.)
  • 1-Handed Swings & Goblet Squats
  • 2-Handed Swings & Man-Makers
  • 1-Handed Swings & Jump Squats
  • 2-Handed Swings & Curls
  • 1-Handed Swings & Triceps Extension

Roll on up to The Wall for Peoples Chair with a Kettle Bell pass as well as Balls to the Wall (x20 two arms, x10 single arm each).
