12 was the number of the day (of course). Perfect weather for 12 PAX to get after it. No FNGs… one 2.0. The 2.0’s really represent in North Raleigh… just sayin. Off we went.


Fellowship jog around the park to the tennis courts

GM x 10, SSH x 15, IW x 10, mountain climbers x 15, Fazio arm circles F/B x 15 each

The Thang staying on the tennis courts

Suicide #1… Burpees x 5 OYO…repeat

Suicide #2…Burpees x 5 OYO…repeat

Lt. Dan – 2 lunges, 1 squat…4 lunges, 2 squats… 6 lunges, 3 squats…. up to 20 lunges, 10 squats

Suicide #3…plank, low plank, plank, Makhtar N’Diayes x 10

Suicide #4…plank, low plank, plank, chilcutt

Jack Webb – merkin, arm press to 10

Suicide #5… Burpees x 5 OYO…repeat

Suicide #6….Burpees x 5 OYO…repeat

BTTW, people chair, sprint Grinder – teams of 3: 1 person BTTW, 1 person sprint length of tennis court, 1 person people chair. Did this for 6 min….5 BTTW each

12 days of Christmas (ladder as follows: 1, 2-1, 3-2-1, 4-3-2-1, etc.)

  1. burpee (# equals reps)
  2. lunges
  3. squat
  4. dips
  5. diamond merkins
  6. WWII situps
  7. CDD
  8. LBC
  9. Plank jacks
  10. Freddy mercury
  11. American Hammers
  12. Burpees

Mosey to the picnic tables… done.

Strong work by everyone today.

Announcements – yep… you guessed it… Haven House 12/15 and Christmas Party 12/19. Also, come out to Juggernaut on 12/23 for a 2.0 led workout.

Prayer requests – Wall E‘s daughter, Beaver‘s dad… pray for strength, guidance and comfort.

CDC took us out.

Always great to spend your bday in the gloom with the men of F3.
