10 pax joined together on a schwetty day in the hot box that is Crabtree’s parking deck.
After establishing that there were no FNGs, we were off for a true grab bag of exercise for 45 minutes…
Quick feet x 30
SSH x20
Imperial Walker x20
Good Morning x 20

Backward run up ramp, 10 burpees OYO
Forward run to base of next ramp, squat hold at top

A short game of backgammon, which was executed using the parking-space stripes:
Run to the front of a space, backward run to back of next space, drop to belly on concrete, up and repeat-o

Mosey to pull-up bar, 5 OYO, jumping for negatives if needed
Belk wall… balls to the wall, walk it out, walk it back, hold it and…
Recover on the run, cross bridge toward Edwards Mill
Circle up for …
LBC x20
American Hammer x20

Indian run up Edwards Mill, interrupted by bear crawl, end up at office plaza up the street for…
Derkins x10
Single-leg squats x10 each leg
Dips x10

I think it was at this point that I noticed the black wooly worm on my shorts (how’d that get there?). Oh well, EC for carrying a passenger, I guess J

Back toward Crabtree, brief stop in a parking garage for
Irkins x 20
Bear crawl up ramp to Edwards Mill

Indian run back to bridge to Crabtree deck
Can’t remember what we did here, so I’ll make it up
LBC x20
10 burpees OYO
5 assisted pull-ups: this was a mistake, the bar swings on this end of the bridge!

Back to the deck, up the stairs
20 Irkins
Run to other side of deck, 10 burpees OYO, run back across deck

Down the stairs for Mary:
20 WWII sit-ups
20 LBCs
20 Low fast flutters
20 American Hammers
We’re done!!!

I hope no one got bored with this one, not much of a theme, except KEEP MOVING!
Lost my voice about 2/3 of the way through (could it have been the wooly worm that stole it?)

Always a pleasure to join you and a privilege to lead, thank you all!