As August gave way to September, the heat did not depart the Arena, and with the afternoon schedule, the sun is not forgiving to those brave enough to stand with us.  6 pax made their way from Pullen in a light sunny sprinkle with a ruck to make things a little more interesting, YHC always seems to regret the decision to run but continues to make the trek at least one way.  Arriving with plenty of time to recruit from the men of THP, 3 more regular Raleigh pax joined in the work and soon we were 19 with one fng.

The Thang:

COP in the grass in the courtyard for; Good Afternoons, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, and Mericans.  Mosey back to the seating around the fountain and find a spot on the seating for a little work, nice crowd at this point watching, surely a potential fng or 2 to see what they may be in store for.  6 sets of Dericans, L/R Step Ups, and inclined Mericans with reps of 5, 10, 15, 20, 15, and 10 for all, this sucked!

Jog to the field behind the building and find a partner.  Gather in the bottom, P1 heads to the volleyball court and bear crawls to one side of the court and does an exercise, crab walks back does another, and heads back to meet P2 who just ran to the first power pole for another set of work, flip flap with your partner and plank when your done till all pax complete.  Five rounds of this with the 2nd to last being Gnard’s call with 45 reps of something at each end (dropped the bear & crab) in honor of his 45th year of life.  And the last round was 25 reps of work at each end as YHC made the call based on the THP pax with the longest time of sobriety, T-claps to Big Poppy for that honor.

Head back to the grass in the courtyard for COT.

COT:  YHC reminded the pax of the discipline it takes to step out into this arena, that all could find an excuse not to but choosing the narrow road is always tougher.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ was shared and encouraged of all men who don’t know Him to change that today.  Many sobriety dates were shared, fng Shepherd from Durham was welcomed to the brotherhood, and Rock Fish was earned his shirt.  Mr. Bigglesworth took us out in mighty fashion!


The Skin: Good to see the men of F3 Raleigh stepping up to the plate and making our presence seen in the Arena, this is what the men of THP crave and it shows well when the pax is plentiful.  Good to see Pigtails back out after his hernia surgery, though not much on the exercises, his willingness to come out was strong, and he ran for most of the work.  It was HOTTT today and with A/C not lacking inside THP this was a big decision for the men to join us.  I believe the extra time and willingness for Raleigh pax to walk around and chat it up is big to getting these men out, there is certainly plenty of ridicule by the spectators at THP.  Please continue to make this a priority, the next edition is 9/18, the day before YHC hits the big 40.

CW out!