11 PAX including 1 FNG posted for without a doubt, the most beautiful morning of the summer. Zero humidity with the feeling of Fall starting soon. It might as well been a mid September morning, not to mention we are covering some of the best ground in Raleigh, at the Art Museum.  Disclaimer, we did a lot of different small exercises that I will not pretend to remember all of them. The goal was to never stop for the hour and we kept it moving.

Jog and Warm up at Train Depo:

SSH x 30; GMornings x 15; EWalkers x 15; Inchworms x 10; XtremeMountainClimbers (foot touch ground outside of hand) x 15; Swiss Planks x 10; Swiss Merikins x 10; squats x 10; opo hand to foot cockroaches.

1st Thang:

Jog back towards parkinglot to stacked wall: 5 derkins, 5 box jumps, 5 irkens run to other end of grass 1 burpie. Burpie count goes up each round till complete 7 burpie ladder.

Jog down to the Kite. Merkins x 10; Plank work; Squats x 10. Run down gravel trail through woods to base of Big Hill. LBC x 20; WW2 x 10. Low Squat hold in cadence, then count off to 2 Indian Run teams.

2nd Thang:

Indian run – We called it a tribal run. Team starts running in line up Big Hill. Last man drops does 5 merkins, runs to catch up, tap new last guy on the back while continuing to the front of the line. Guy tapped, drops does 5 merkins….and so on. Arriving at the top of 440 Bridge, right into people chair, then all up top on fence for straight body chest pulls x 50. Plank work at the start of the bridge. Sprint across bridge stopping in the middle for 10 squat jumps…sprint back stopping in the middle for 10 star jumps. Plank till all in. Back in Indian lines, each team jog down big hill to bottom bridge stopping 3 times for a 15 count merkin lead by a different team pax each time. On the bridge: 6 inch hold, FreddyMercurys x 10, 6 inch hold, into straight leg form exaggerated slow freedymercurys to a brutal 20 count. Jog back though woods, bear crawl small bridge, squat work at base of gravel hill. Low Squat holds and counts, Indian Run back up to train depo stopping at the Rings for merkins…underneath a vulture perched (Hence FNG name).


WW2 x 15; Around the circle 5 merkins, 5 toe touches lead by each pax.

Announcements: Whiplast has 30 min extra credit next Sat, starting at 6am, but will circle back to pick up standard workout at 630 in parking lot.

Thoughts/Challenge: What do you do with the gifts given to you? Who do you serve with them? We are all blessed in many and different ways, how do we use the advantages GIVEN to us and help others.