F3 Whiteville….I LOVE the sound of that!    Whiteville Native Orwell showed up with one other Raleigh F3 PAX “Wendell Gee” and were greeted by 8 localPAX…two being FNGs.   Great memories for YHC running these hallowed grounds….there have been soooo many athletes who have trod where we went this morning, with many memories and championships cultivated here.  Here is how it went:


  • Side Straddle Hops x 25….Weinke pulled out and Wendell Gee made a smart alec comment which YHC ignored
  • Mountain Climbers x 15
  • Good Mornings x 15
  • Arm Circles x 20…then reverse (Raleigh F3 refers to these as “Fazio Arm Circles”…in deference to Sir Fazio….a Raleigh F3 elder who splashed Merlot during one of these exercises years ago)
  • Imperial Walkers x 15

THE MAIN…YHC’s intent to introduce all new painful exercises

  • Mosey to the benches under canopy for what I will call “Chong Li Ladders” (note Whiteville F3ers  Chong Li is one of Raleigh F3 Grand Poo Baah’s…and a stud in pain delivery).
    • Irkins, Box Jumps, Derkins, Left/Right Step-Ups, Dips done in reps of 10,15,12,10…WOW on Souse Meat Box Jumping on the table top vs. bench!
  • Tennis Court Suicides with Balls to the Wall introduced for those not running Suicides.   Two sets of these…and they were a BIG Hit with the PAX.  Dump Truck and Matlock showed off their running ability while BooBoo treated these BTTW like they were childs play.
  • Peoples Chair introduced in front of WHS Library, while passing down both a 35lb and 50lb KettleBell.  We did this two times….the PAX Loved them.
  • Mosey to what YHC named “Coach Ciamillo Hill” for 7s.  YHC planned to introduce 11s, but changed up with a note that 11s were just a harder/longer verson of 7s.   Exercizes were Star Jumps at the top of CCH and Burpees at the bottom.  Mr. Clean wisely took off his extra Sweatshirt as thesed raised the body temperature and heart rate quick.  Uncle Si led the charge here, and Massey was solid pushing through the pain to finish strong.
  • Wheelbarrows were introduced around the interior loop.   YHC told the group these were tough, and while they were the PAX didn’t have one bit of Mumble Chatter as they manned through them.  Harm and Scrooge made these look easy.


  • LBCs x 25
  • Six Inch Leg Holds around the horn introduced with each PAX counting of to 10..Whiteville PAX sure do count slow, at least by YHC’s standard.


  • Namarama with FNGs Souse Meat and Matlock welcomed to F3’s Brotherhood.  MATLOCK may be out there already somwhere as a name, and will leave this up to PEDRO on changing up or not.
  • Prayer Requests received and UNCLE SI led up out in a Solid Prayer.  Prior to Uncle Si’s Prayer, YHC read the below devotion.


Relating to Those Different From Us TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman “The Samaritan woman said to him, ‘You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?'” (John 4:9).

Do you find it difficult to relate to others who are different than you? Do you shy away from interacting with those who may have a different belief?

Jesus interacted with his culture and especially those who thought differently than He. When Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well it was much like a Christian speaking to a Muslim or a Jew speaking to a Palestinian. Jesus built a relationship with the woman instead of taking an adversarial position.

In order to influence our culture it is vital believers engage with those unlike us. We often assume others who come from other cultures do not want to engage with us. This is a deception from Satan. Many who grow up in other faiths do so as a cultural tradition, not because they have strongly held beliefs. For instance, many Muslims do not know what is in the Quran and simply believe what they are taught based on tradition.

Every person is looking for a genuine relationship with God. Jesus operated based on that assumption. Notice how Jesus engaged with the woman.

“Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.” He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.” “I have no husband,” she replied. Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband. The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.” “Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet (John 4: 13-19).

Once Jesus established a rapport with the woman He began to engage with her. He spoke supernaturally into her life which broke through the religious spirit which prevented a theological debate. This led to faith in Christ and even the city being impacted.

Why not seek out a relationship with someone different from yourself. You’ll be surprised how God might use you.