9 Pax gathered ’round the shovel flag for another edition of Cary’s own Bradford’s Ordinary. A workout bound to keep YHC on his toes and smelling great!

After the disclaimer for the new guy, we gathered our shovel flag and a suspicious coupon (YHCs 25 lb medicine ball) and took off down the pleasant way of what could appear to many as main street America. We stopped at the end, at a serene park where the sprinklers were running, even with the threat of rain looming. Riptide worried the entire time about rain drops.

The flag was planted, the coupon laid low for the warm up.

SSH x 22, GM x 15. That was the warm up.


The shovel flag was the center, which is as it should have been. The first five stations were: Starjumps, squats, derkins, Partner sit-ups with the coupon pass, and burpees. All x 5, bear crawl to the center between each, 5 merkins, bear crawl to the next station.

For the next round the five stations were: SSH, “merican hammers, Dips, Squat hold coupon passes, Merkins all x 10, lunge walk to and fro with 5 burpees in the middle between each station.

The fun continues for a final round: star jumps, squats, diamond derkins, partner sit-ups with coupon pass, and merkins all x 15, bear crawl or lunge walk to the center. no burpees this time.


The pax lined up, all facing the end field. Each one takes a turn running, coupon in hand and overhead, calling out a Mary move before leaving. He runs to the opposite side and back, through the sprinklers. Pax did: Hello Dolly, Freddy Mercury, six inch leg hold, WWII, “merican hammers, Rosalitas, Heels to Heaven, Standard Situps, LBCs.

Low squat hold x 6 around the circle.


Now firmly odoriferous, the PAX moved to the slab for planks.

Plank x 10. Sarkozy x 10, Putin x 10. Chilcut x 10, chilcut sarkozy x 5, chilcut putin x 5.

Grab the gear, head back to home base.


Quick feet x 15, irkins x 15, quick feet x 15, peoples chair x 5 down the line.


Great group of men. Welcome to FNG Pond. Pond is a salesman of electrical engineering stuff, a great guy with no embarrassing habits or traits. Because he is an electrical nerd, we thought of Duke energy, Duke energy is currently undergoing scrutiny because of their coal ash ponds. Coal ash pond is too long. Pond it is.

NEW WORKOUT IN APEX AT THE APEX COMMUNITY PARK. Starts Monday, 7/14 at 0545. Be there, wear black, and prepare to run from the enforcers. Park at the end of the street where the ’round about spins.

Prayers for Coney’s daughter as she takes her boards today. Like coney at a nathan’s hotdog stand, she will surely conquer the competition.