The Mule will commence on Saturday, March 1 at 6am at Raleigh’s Kiwanis Park. We’ll be visiting the home of Lourdes of Discipline/Late Night, Root Elementary, and Ricochet/Roanoke Park. Expect it to last a little more than 3 hours and cover close to 7 miles.

As of February 24, here’s the planned schedule, and a link to the live version:

StartEndDistance (Miles)Duration (Minutes)Target End TimeComments
Kiwanis Park200620All Qs kick off at Kiwanis, High Life Qs warmup at Kiwanis.
Kiwanis ParkLourdes0.4060626
Lourdes200646Steroid/Jimmer lead at Lourdes
LourdesRoot Elementary1.57200706
Root Elementary200726Swirly Q
Root ElementaryKiwanis Park1.97250751
Kiwanis Park200811Refuel
Kiwanis ParkRoanoke Park1.36180830
Roanoke Park200850Mandelbaum Q
Roanoke ParkKiwanis Park1.36180905
Kiwanis Park100915Closing remarks, countoff, etc
3.28Total converted to Hours