18 PAX were apart of the first ever Heinskitz Velvet 3000 at the Judge.

Quick warm up at the parking lot with 20 SSH, 10 Good Mornings(much needed), 10 Wind Mills(much needed), and 15 Mountain Climbers(not needed).

Mosey down to Station 1 and squat hold while the course is explained. Each station was a modified jack-webb exercise(5 reps on the 1st loop, and increase # of reps by 1 after each loop) at each station. Partner up and off we go:

5 Stations:

  • Station 1: marble parking lot above the amphitheater where they park the nice cars.
  • Station 2: Mosh pit area within the amphitheater.
  • Station 3: Dock by the lake
  • Station 4: Rings
  • Station 5: Top of Grassy Hill(to get back to station 1, continue up the greenway path, pass what’s left of the train depot, pass the parking lot where we park, and down the hill to start the loop over.)

Exercises at each station:

  • Station 1: Merkins/Carolina Dry Docks
  • Station 2: Box Jumps/Irkins
  • Station 3: Ski Abs/Plank Jacks
  • Station 4: Sumo Squats/Star Jumps
  • Station 5: WW2/Reverse LBCs

Time was called at 6:09 and we headed up to the parking lot. T-Claps to Red Card and Maize for winning the race. They completed 3 full loops and made it through station 1 which was 8 reps of each exercise. It was surprising how much harder the stations got when we increased the number of reps by 1. Was brutal.


Naked Moleskin:

-Arena tomorrow afternoon

-My Boy Blue Qing Whiplash this weekend. Pain is expected

-Townhall meeting this Sunday at 8-9:30pm at the PR

-Ruck themed Whiplash on October 3rd. First Saturday of the month.

-F3 Connect next Wednesday, the 23rd, at Mia Fransceca


Thanks to Mr Bigglesworth for taking us out with a good word of prayer. Was a great maiden judge Q at this site. I’ve posted here a bunch, but have never Q’d at this site, so definitely was fun thinking of/creating a workout here. Hopefully the “The Heinskitz Velvet 3000” will be used again. I enjoyed it and hope everyone else did. Pleasure to serve.

