16 Pax joined YHC on a clear, crisp, 30 degree morning to start the week off right.  In my case, today being my birthday, I started my 51st year off right

Circled up on the AO soccer pitch for warm-up:

10 Good Mornings;

25 Side Straddle Hops;

10 Good Mornings;

25 Mountain Climbers;

10 Good Mornings;

25 Imperial Walkers.

Counted off and formed two lines of odds and evens for an indian run over to Rangecrest;

Upon reaching Rangecrest, the odds and evens took turns ascending and descending the notorious hill.  At the bottom, 10 monkey-humpers.  At the top, 10 prisoner squats.  X 5

Indian run back to the AO, where we enjoyed a birthday picnic at the shelter;

Dips, irkins, dirkins, X 20, 15, 5

Mixed in some people’s chair and balls to the wall, and our picnic was over.

Circled up in the parking lot for Mary:

20 LBC;

20 Homer to Marge;

20 Hello Dolly;

10 Burpees OYO.

COT:  Prayers for Java and family on the loss of his dad this past week.  We love you brother!  Prayers for Head Gear’s M as she continues to recover.  A few words from YHC reflecting on 50.

YHC took us out.  An honor to lead and serve the Pax.  I love you all!