At Kenny’s Grave, 99% humidity and 8 PAX equal one big sweat pool. Two came for EC and were already soaked before the first steps were taken. It’s always great to see these familiar faces in the gloom. Props to the newer PAX of South Wake that have been representing! No FNG’s so we started out right away.



Jog around the Community Center to the parking lot

SSH x20

Sir Fazio Arm Circles x20

Good Mornings x10



‘Hold It’

This is a modified version of an Indian Run. PAX hold a position while the last PAX does a called exercise to the front. For each exercise complete two circuits through the PAX and then sprint around the parking lot to the beginning for another round.

Round 1 – Hold Plank/Bear Crawl to front

Round 2 – Hold Air Chair/Frog Jump to front

Round 3 – Hold Reverse Plank/Crab Walk to front

Round 4 – Hold Air Chair/Lunge Walk to front


‘Wheelbarrow Merkins’

Grab a partner and wheelbarrow across the parking lot as far as you can go. At each parking spot line you do x5 merkins and move to the next. After you can’t go anymore, flip partners. Backwards run back to the beginning and do it again.


‘Hill Tabata’

Modified version of Tabata…Through the 8 cycles – Squats, sprint hills, squats, sprint hills, etc. Next cycle – Merkins, sprint hills, merkins, sprint hills, etc.



Freddy Mercuries x25 – every five hold legs at 45 degrees for a 5 count.



Prayers for all and thankful for such a strong group of men! Howard and others for healing along with YHC’s baby.