Mission Gideon: 31 August 2015

Intel reports a sniper hidden along the tree line adjacent to the dam. Must be apprehended.

Six rigged explosives somewhere to the west of the lake, which must also be retrieved. Explosives are rigged with altimeters. Once the devices are lifted above four feet in height, they are armed and must not drop below that height for the remainder of the mission.

0530. Twenty-two PAX. Heavy downpour. Ideal rucking conditions.


Arrive at the base of the dam. Four men are wounded and must be carried up the hill. All other PAX bear crawl up the dam hill. Gather at the top

Rucks overhead, walk to the east end of the dam. Rucks on, bear crawl down the hill to the edge of the field.


The sniper, who is sloppy and has neglected to power off his laser scope, sits in the tree line at the field edge.

Divide into two units. Designate team leader for each unit.

Cross the field, team leader giving the signals: “I’m up. He sees me. I’m down.” This avoids the sniper’s scope on the way to apprehending him.

Bag the sniper. Cross back over to the dam.


Bear crawl the width of the dam.

Travel in formation along the trail, keeping the lake to the right.

Left turn at the fork in the trail, ascend to the kids playground.


Spoke to the PAX here about the principle in ministry and in life that when someone’s burdened by something, it’s never helpful to ask: “Let me know if you need any help.” It’s better to anticipate need and say, “I’m going to help.” So, as you see a fellow PAX carrying the bagged sniper or one of the explosives, jump in, help with the weight, take a rotation.

Picked up the six altimeter-rigged explosives along with the sniper, back in formation, back to the top of the dam.

Once across the dam, asked the PAX to take stock. Recognized two missing items, two PAX members were sent to retrieve.

Then proceed to the point of origin.

Circle up.

Partner up.

  • Ruck situps x50 per partner
  • Overhead Ruck situps x30 per partner


  • Prayers of praise and gratitude for a good report for Tony Robbin’s M. Also for Chong Li’s 50-hour west coast survival experiment.
  • And a reminder as we closed to keep an eye out for those suffering and carrying a heavy burden, that we would step in and lift their burden. Teaches us to live out what Jesus taught:

“‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-38

Man Ram prayed us out. Thanks, brothers. Thoroughly enjoyable morning side by side with you.