17 men came out to start the week the right way…a visit to A-Team with lots of their friends and a 3 legged dog…well the dog was there at the beginning. Our mascot determined he wanted nothing to do with what was waiting at the top of the hill. No sir, that dog was going to the park. That is where we parted ways..smart dog.

Mosey to top of hill and over to parking lot of school. What is that? Oh yeah…that is Santas sleighs last seen Christmas eve in downtown Cary. A few had seen them before…many had not. 15x Good mornings, 15x mtn climbers, 10 count plank hold around the circle, then some arm circles.

Partner up and get in 1 of 2 groups. Group 1 man the sleighs and P1 grab the reigns of one of the 4 sleds. P2 sit and relax on that sled. P1 drag that sled across lot and down to planter. Flapjack back up the hill. Group 2 lunge walk down and back. 2 groups exchange. Do this 3X so that each man has at least 3 pulls of the sled (not easy). mosey back to front of school. Watch a van drive to front of school and old woman watch us do things. Circle up. Jack Webb’s with 3 to 1 ratio around the circle. Get up to 9 count and 27 respectively, and back down to 1:3. Lots of merkens here. Mosey back down hill to baseball field. 200 derkens with you partner. Dying cockroaches while you wait for your partner. Back up hill and circle up for 40x freddy mercs. COT and Burt took us out. Great work this am men.