10 PAX this morning for some fun with sandbags and rucks.
Warm Up Lap, SSHx20, WMHx10, GMx10, Arm Circlesx20, Reverse Arm Circles x20, Merkins x5, Staggered Merkins x10, Ranger Merkins x5
Two teams of 2, two teams of 3: 150 combined squat thrusters, 15 at a time, then run width of field do 5 burpees, run back. Teammates are doing sets of 5 Merkins, 5 squats.
Run to playground, pairs do pullups to failure, while rest of PAX do exercise assigned by pair. (burpees, merkins, CDDs, others…)
Run back to field, same teams. One person holds ruck/sandbag above head and begins walk across field, teammates run width of both fields and back, one takes over ruck/bag and continues walk. Continue across both fields and back.
Width of one field: 1/4 bear crawl, 1/2 sprint, 1/4 crawl bear. 1/4 lunge walk, 1/2 sprint, 1/4 bear crawl
Mary: pass it around