YHC gave some thought to what he needed and possibly what the Pax needed as well. Since YHC was coming off several Grateful Dead shows in Chicago last weekend, the cobwebs needed to blown out a bit..so to speak.

Given that, the Pax were led off and down Academy street to the other end by the old school. Circle up and 15xGood mornings, 15x mountain climbers, mumblechatter from Banjo and Ma Bell regarding proper count cadence timed to exercise rhythm. They had just attended Q school so they felt empowered to share with YHC how off he was. Everyone’s a critic. YHC allowed Banjo to demonstrate whilst performing some other exercise YHC cant recall. Jog back down Academy St to the church (halfway) and down the stairs and bearcrawl up. Continue a brisk jog down to bank and find bench. 15x Irkeins, 15x l/r step ups, 15x Irkeins, 15xl/R step ups. Follow YHC to the Burt pocket park (no Burt….he is at the beach evidently). Partner up. 1’s bear crawl down lawn and to railings, 10x Australian pullup’s. run back and Flapjack. 2’s dips whilst 1’s are gone. Repeato the whole thing with 2’s doing Irkeins.

Follow YHC to his home away from home, the parking deck. Jog to top floor. 1’s take off and halfway to other side stop for 10x wide grip merkeins, sprint to other end and 10x diamond merkeins. Down the stairwell to the bottom and run across deck back to stairwell and back up to top ( pretty good burn). 2’s 20x dying cockroach/20xlbc’s and repeat until 1’s return. Flapjack. Do this whole thing 2 more times with slight changes on merkeins and mary portions.

Leave deck and jog to courtyard. 20x dips. Indian jog back to church for namearama and prayers. Prayer request for one of Sputnik’s friends. Announcement for workout this Saturday at B.O. spot for Wounded Warriors. 7:00 to 8:00 YHC believes. Check with Banjo.

As always, an honor to lead these men.