8 PAX visited the serene campus of SEBTS for a no-nonsense start to the week.

Warm-up: 10x Good Morning, 10x SSH, 10x Windmills, 10 Imperial Walkers


Jog down to the rocks: Find a big one. All Pyramid exercises done in cadence.

Rock Curl: 5x (hold at top 5s), 10x (ditto), 15x (“), 20x (“), 15x (“), 10x, (“) 5x (“)

Recover on the Indian run around the practice field (high pace)

Bent over rock row: 5x (hold by chest, 5s), 10x (ditto), 15x (“), 10x (“), 5x (“)

Recover on the Indian run around the practice field (high pace)

Chest Rock Press: 5x (hold above chest, 5s), 10x (ditto), 15x (“), 20x (“), 15x (“), 10x, (“) 5x (“)

Recover on the Indian run around the practice field (high pace)

Rock Skull Crusher: 5x (hold above chest, 5s), 10x (ditto), 15x (“), 10x (“), 5x (“)

Jog back up the hill and over to the wall.


People’s chair- 30s hands up, 10s left leg out, 10s right leg out, 10s regular

10x Carolina Dry dock

People’s chair- 30s hands up

10x Carolina Dry Dock

People’s chair- 30s hands up

Divide into 2 groups: 1: Run around the dorm/building in front of you

2: People’s chair until the return


1: Same run

2: Plank


Run back to the flag for extended Mary: WW2 Sit ups 20x, Reverse LBCs 21x, Hammers 22x, Flutter Kicks 24x, LBCs 25x, 6” Leg hold – 7s around the horn


Announcements: All Kinds of events in the next few months- I can’t remember when they were since there were so many.

You can’t talk about it, but there’s a new workout on Friday at Fletcher.

Prayers for Gopher’s Wife, Floppy’s Daughter, and Hush Puppy’s Family

1 Timothy 1:5: The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.


Floppy Closed us in prayer. Hard work by all- an honor to lead.