My F3 journey started with an external push…  “Come join me for a workout Wednesday morning”, then an internal push… “Get your lazy self out of bed and get better”.  Then the push of making it through workouts…  “Just make it to the end, just make it to the end”.  Then the push of the PAX… “good work!”, “nice Q”.  Then the pull…. It’s a Sunday night and I’m actually looking forward to the Crucible or it’s Wednesday and I already wonder “who’s Qing Juggernaut this week” or “I wish I didn’t have this meeting so I could go the Forum Monday”.  It often takes a push to get you going but it’s the pull that keeps you coming back.  The line between push and pull is often ill defined.  We often don’t realize we’ve crossed it.  Sometimes we cross back and forth in what we need.  When the push and pull work together it’s special.

When YHC signed up to Q Crucible two weeks ago the pull from Rangecrest was immediate.  Like a Siren beckoning with a sweet song knowing that she offered only pain and suffering.  The pull was too strong to ignore because this pain and suffering offered a promise to make us stronger.

A baker’s dozen of veteran PAX braved the 30 degree weather to challenge Rangecrest.  With no FNGs and below freezing weather we had the shortest of disclaimers and got right to it.  It went down like this:

Side-Straddle Hops x25
5 Burpees OYO
Good Morning x20
5 Burpees OYO
Mountain Climbers x25
Imperial Walkers x25

The Thang
Indian run to the bottom of Rangecrest

Today we would push and pull each other (and drag ourselves) up Rangecrest, repeatedly. The PAX would sprint to the light post at the very top of the hill and when the first PAX reached the summit they would throw one arm up to signal everyone to turn and head back down. Everyone would turn at the same time wherever they were on the hill and return to the bottom. This kept the PAX together at the bottom of the hill and allowed the PAX to push one another as we raced up the hill and also be pulled by the leaders. Not sure about everyone else but YHC was very grateful for Kiper by the end.

We ran the hill 6 times with the following exercises at the bottom:
1st Run: Partner Derkins x20 each
2nd: Merkins x20
3rd: Burpees x10
4th: Partner Derkins x20 each
5th: Merkins x20
6th: Burpees x10

Indian run back to the Park and head to the shelter. Find a bench for:
Derkins x20
Left Right Step Ups x30
Irkins x20
Dips x20
Derkins x15
Left Right Step Ups x25
Irkins x15
Dips x10

Plank Hold – Variety with 10 counts
Peter Parkers IC x10
LBC IC x30
American Hammers IC x20

Announcements: 3rd F – Forum on Mondays at Panera Bread on Colonnade Drive/Six Forks at Noon.

Upcoming men’s workshop on being a better husband. Apologies for not remembering the details, but I believe Kiper mentioned it and said Fazio has details.

Kickstarter challenge is on to post first 6 Mondays of 2016. Kanye has details.

No specific prayer requests so Pot Hole prayed for us all. Thanks for the strong words.