The legend of THE JUNGLE continues with a PAX of 25 posting in the early morning sunlight. From the beginning Urban Jungle has been and looks like it will continue to be one of  Raleigh’s most desired workouts. Being one of the original Q’s for this sight after Ball Bearings became problematic it is great to see so many new faces along with a few old ones. Nothing like being EH’ed by Maize when you have no idea what you have gotten yourself into and you were just getting used to a King David beat down at Ball Bearings. Also, nothing like leading 25 PAX with little or no plan. So off we went…..


SSH x 25

Good Morning x 15

Mountain Climbers x 20


Run to the bridge over I440 stop and try Irkins x 25. The roar of the beltline ruined cadence so the thought of doing several sets of Merkin style exercises went out the window. Re group and head farther down Lassiter Mill all the way to the bottom passing a group of several tomatoes curiously wondering where in the hell these clowns are coming from. Pleasantries exchanged at the bridge and the fun begin with several sets of Irkins’, derkins, merkins’, and quick feet.

With time slipping away it was time to start heading back up Lassiter Mill stopping periodically to do LBC’s, Prisoner Squats, and the ever popular Monkey Humpers. It must be noted about the time your QIC  called for Monkey Humpers, Overdraft gave out please don’t make us do those now groan. Unbeknownst to the Q a group of tomatoes were making there way by laughing and wishing they had a camera. Oh well onward we continued all the way back to I440 bridge to bear crawl the bridge and jog to the water fountain for a quick set of jump up and merkins.


American Hammers  x 25

WWII x 20


Susan Komen race June 13th. Sign up!

Note to self. Always find time to do the backblast, Q a workout, and EH another FNG. You will be glad you did. As always a true honor and pleasure.