WHAT:  3rd F Dinner and Discussion

WHEN: Tuesday, March 25 from 6:30 pm until

WHERE:  Tyler’s Taproom, Seaboard Station

The Shovel Flag – one of the iconic symbols of F3.  The shovel flag is representative of what we stand for in F3, and it provides a rallying point for the Pax. Some shovel flags are crafted with great care and attention to detail. Others a bit less so but still manage to get the job done. Some exist only in our imagination as the ever-popular VSF. Regardless, the planting of the shovel flag signals to those around us that men are gathering for the purpose of challenging themselves in an effort to better care for and serve their families, friends and communities.

At a typical 1st F workout, the shovel flag remains planted in one place and is not removed until the workout is over and the Pax has scattered. It serves as the focal point for the launch and closing of the workout but generally remains stationary as we move about in the gloom. However, I believe the shovel flag takes on an additional role at a 3rd F event. You see, the 3rd F is all about digging a little deeper into the core of who we are as men, what our purpose is here and how we might better understand, embrace and pursue the callings in our lives.  At a 3rd F event, the shovel flag does not remain planted idly in the ground but becomes the tool we use to reach those places where other men may not often go but where deep roots exist, the ones that lead to the Source of true life and give meaning to our being.  Like any healthy plant or tree, these roots must be fed regularly in order to sustain real growth.  The digging may be difficult at times, and we may uncover issues that have been buried below the surface – questions, doubts, cynicism, bad experiences and even hostility towards faith – but that’s why we are here to grab the shovel together.  As Wendell Gee reminded us in his pre-blast to the last event, these are your Pax, guys you’ve been with in the gloom and can trust to have your back and lend a hand as you turn over that ground.

With that in mind, let’s come together again as brothers on the 25th in order to dig a little deeper.  You will hear from a few of your fellow Pax about the role of the 3rd F in their lives, the impact it has for them personally, and the impact they’ve seen it have in the lives of other men.  We’ll also share about a great new 3rd F opportunity on the horizon.  As usual, food and drink are on your own tab.  Seating is limited, so please post your HC below so that we can gauge the size of the group and make adjustments to the arrangements if necessary. Look forward to seeing you there.

Aye, Fazio.