21 Pax (4 for EC) posted this morning for the latest installment of Late Night.  It was fairly humid (somewhere around 99%) but the temp was pushed down a few degrees by the recent rain.  Not terrible conditions for a workout but I do miss the cool mornings of March.  With that said, here’s how it went:

Extra Credit:
Run one lap around Lourdes and gather in parking deck.
Super stretch led by Box Jump
Merkin Pyramid up to 15 and back down with alternating regular, diamond, and wide grip merkins
Squat Pyramid up to 15 and back down
That’s all the time we had for EC so off to join the full PAX

50 single count merkins
Side straddle hop x 25
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x 15 each direction then x 10 each direction
Mountain Climbers x 25

Head down Greenway . . . Crab Walk long bridge over Crabtree Creek  . . . then head to parking lot behind car dealerships

In parking go to end near rock pile and partner up.
While one partner runs to third light pole and back, second partner does merkins.  Flapjacking until you reach 200 merkins
Same but now 300 LBCs

With partner line up on one side of parking lot and wheelbarrow to base of small hill with accompanying staircase.  Wheelbarrow up hill or staircase then run back to parking lot and flapjack.  Repeato but not quite as far this time around.

Back to end of parking lot with running to third light pole while partner does burpees . .  .get to 30 total.

Start back down Greenway path . . . bear crawl first bridge.  Stop at some point for Hammers x 30.  Run rest of way to base camp.  At base camp time for one more exercise  -Single count merkins x 45.

That’s it . . . .

Prayer requests for families involved in Charleston shootings.

Announcements included F3 Wilson leaving tomorrow at 6:00 am from Panera/Starbucks at N Hills – Fava Bean has Q.

Fudd took us out gracefully.

Thanks to the Pax for posting.  I really enjoyed this Q and all the fellas that were there.