34 Pax enter eligibility for the Five Points Trip-el by taking on BB. Start with horoscope reading for Enron’s birthday so we know what the day will bring, give disclaimer ( no FNGs ), then roll.

Mosey to field.  Warmup with 25 SSH, Good Morning, Mountain Climbers, and 10 Burpees

Circle up for Merican Circle (amrap Mericans while Pax peel off to sprint around circle left and right)  go again with amrap Parker Peters.

Recover on the jog to Lax field.  6 gassers with 20 yard stop in mididle of field for lunge walks, long jumps, and sumo jumps.  10 Burpees on one end of field and 10 Mericans on other end of field at each turn. Not much chatter when gassers in the mix.  Lots of wheels out there.

Recover on jog to lower field.  Split in two groups.  One group sprints to home base back stop and back, while other group amraps exercise.  Flap jack.  Did Derkins, air squats, dry docks.

Jog to grass.  In honor of Enron’s 44th bday, 44 LBC, 22 Parker Peter, 22 Long slow flutter.

Lots of newer faces.  Glad to see them making it out.  COT, announcements and prayers.

As always, thanks for the chance to lead.  Strong work today