Conditions: 68F, 88% Humidity, Clear
Most of my workouts involve a fair amount of running. I decided to change things up today. We circled up at 0545 and YHC gave the usual awkward disclaimer.

The Warmup:
Freddie MercuryX20
Mountain ClimberX20
WWII SitupX20

The Thang:
Mosey to campus and circle up around the nearly empty fountain. A deck of cards (AKA Deck of Death) was waiting for us. Most of you know the drill already; a suit represents an exercise, the value on the card represents the reps. A Jack is 11, Queen is 12, King is 13 and an Ace is 14. Diamond=Merkin, Club=Prisoner Squat, Heart=Star Jump, Spade=Burpee.

Each PAX drew a card and we worked through the exercises. Once all 8 were complete, the PAX sprinted to the Quad and back (approximately 50 yards one way).
We continued this same routine until we had 4 cards left. I heard a lot of #mumblechatter when a spade was drawn. We were running short on time, so we skipped the last sprint and powered through the remaining cards.

104 Burpees
104 Star Jumps
112 Prisoner Squats (I can’t explain it)
104 Merkins

Mosey back to the #shovelflag

6″ Flutter KicksX30

Welcome FNG Hank Williams Jr (Kid Rock’s son).

F3 Excalibur launches in Knightdale on July 16
GoRuck Custom Challenge in October
Prayer Requests:
Floppy’s Daughter
Floppy’s Mom
Floppy’s Shoulder
Gopher’s Wife-Cancer Treatment
Low Pair is back in full force after Cancer treatment.  Praise God!
Sherpa and his #M are in the process of moving to Texas. Pray that he will be a good husband during this stressful time.

Moonshine closed us out in prayer.

Naked Moleskin:
As I was preparing for this workout, I was concerned we would not make it through the entire deck of cards, so I was contemplating removing the Aces, Kings, etc… Then I realized that there are many difficult things in life and that avoiding them does not make us stronger.  Plus F3 is NOT easy.  It is difficult.  I was impressed with how well everyone did.  Great work from everyone this morning!

#Tclaps to:
-Hank Williams Jr. Great first workout! Hope to see you again.
-Sherpa killed it during the sprints
-Moonshine kept an eye on all the PAX. Nice job encouraging those that needed it.
-All PAX powered through to the end. Nice work gentlemen! Let’s do this again sometime.