This time of year, it’s all about hills, right? With a good 3/4 of our PAX this morning on a BRR team, it was clear why they posted and YHC did not want to disappoint. But Copperhead again? No. Hill repeats are useful, but at BRR (and distance running in general), it’s about the long grind, rolling on when your legs say STOP. We say GO!

Jog to base of Horton Hill and circle up for…
20x SSH
20x Mountain Climbers
20x Good Morning

Initial assent: Back up to school entrance, jog down to base, all the way up to Ridge, no rest. Squat hold at top to regroup.

The grind: Lewis Farm Rd. is 0.1mi from our current location and is exactly 1.0mi of rolling, moderate hills. Out and back was our mission. 21 PAX chose to turn back for more go “no man left behind” for number 22.

Finishing climb: There’s always a hill at the end. We went down and up the length of Horton with no rest, then took it fellowship pace to the grass for a little Mary.

20x Flutter Kicks
15x Rosalita
15x Hello Dolly

+ “No man left behind” is YHC’s new favorite flavor. Great way to get a little extra work for the frontrunners, and fantastic value in finishing together as a PAX. T-claps to all for grinding hard out there, and especially for all the encouragement to others on the course today. We post for others, not ourselves. Look for more “no man left behind” at boot camps in the near future.

+ Fazio offered t-claps to 90210 for stepping up into an open position on BRR team Government Cheese. Aye! You won’t regret it.

+ Hope you all “liked” Lewis Farm Rd. Let’s hear your thoughts on this new option.

Prayers were offered up with praise and concern, Swingline took us out with strength. As always, it was a true honor to Q with such a fine group of men. Thanks for what you gave to the group today.