5 PAX arrived early for the weekly non-fellowship 5K hosted this morning by Wendell Gee.  It was up to the Capital and back again.  T-claps to Shaggy for braving ITB before dawn, Chong Li for planting the flag before the PAX arrived and Moneyhose for not killing me for ruining Heavy Metal.  It was a pleasant way to start the day – but pleasant isn’t why we keep showing up in the Gloom..

We were met at the AO by an expectant PAX and with some stragglers arriving late, i.e. K-tribe, who truthfully, I’m just happy didn’t get lost trying to find us albeit only a few miles and three turns from his front door, we had a strong 27 ready to put in work.

Warm-up Jr.

Run up to the small amphitheater and circle up.  40 merkins on the down count and 40 deep squats on the down count.  40 because YHC’s shoulders gassed out on 37 and it was necessary to improvise.

Statement of Intent

Run up to the soccer field and circle up.  10 exercises each performed AMRAP style for approximately one minute in duration – burpees, chilcutt plank hold, spiderman merkins, jump squats, merkin hand rollouts, leg raises, jump lunges, mountain climbers, LBCs and staggered hand merkins.  If you aren’t warmed up, check your pulse.

The Thang

Remain on the soccer field and head to the endline.  Full field sprints X 10 performed as a group with a called exercise after each sprint, burpees, merkins, low slow flutters, etc.  Following the 2nd, 6th and 10th sprint, perform 60 yard, 40 yard and 40 yard respectively shuttles – there and back, there and back again.

The Finisher

Run to the base of the hill on the softball field.  Turn and look at hill.  AMRAP hill sprints for 5 minutes.  Rest on the down and bust it on the up.

Run to the tree clearing next to Washington Road for a little Mary.  LBCs, Freddie Mercuries, dead cockroaches,  low slow flutters, rest.  Just enough time for COT, announcements, prayer requests and prayer.  T-claps to Floppy Disk for taking us out in style.

Please keep fellow F3er PCH and his wife Julie in your prayers as well as Mr. Hand, his family and especially his daughter who is having surgery later this week.

Big welcome to FNGs, Blank Space and Carmen Sandiego.  I started June 1, 2015.  My suggestion, if I dare be so bold, is to drink the Kool Aide.  Getting out of bed is the hard part.  The PAX does the rest.  And I’m looking forward to the morning my brother joins the group.  He’ll love it.

Thanks to the PAX for showing up and YHC promises to be better next time.