Six pax showed up in the gloom for a little island hopping fun.  Although not the fun-in-the-sun type.  On this gloomy morning, the term was meant to direct the pax to the different islands in the parking lot.  These structures are spaced roughly 30-40 yards apart and hold pretty trees and bushes.  The focus however, was not on the trees or bushes, but rather how to travel to and from the different islands and what to do once we arrived at our destination.

Warm – up

Lap around the parking lot followed by SSH, Goodmorning, Little baby arm circles, Mountain climbers, and merkins.

The Thang:

Pax pair up and line up at the lower end of the parking lot and the first island. First partner bear crawls to the next island and completes 20 merkins.  Other partner does curl/lunge walk with the selected railroad tie coupon to the same island and then completes 20 over head press.  Partners switch exercise and continue to do so until at the top of the parking lot (100 yards or so).

Mosey over to the next group of islands where partner 1 bear crawls to the next island in line and completes 20 Carolina Dry Docks.  Other partner completes press/lunge walk with railroad tie to the island and completes 20 curls.  Partners switch and continue through the remainder of the islands (100 yards or so)

Leave the weights behind and mosey over to the third row of islands and complete 30 Caroina Dry Docks.  Then all pax crawl bear to the next island and complete 25 merkins.  Crawl bear to the next island and then 20 wide grip merkins, next island 15 diamond merkins.  Reverse the circuit but switch to traveling burpees between islands.

Lastly, island suicides.  All pax sprint to the first island and do 10 merkins, second island 20 merkins, and last island 30 merkins.


15 count J-Lo

30 ct flutter kicks

20 ct LBC

20 ct Freddie Mercury

20 Russian hammers

Prayers for Pax here and and those who are absent.  Mentioned Pax with kids on the way and those under-the-weather.  Thanks for our health, ability, and drive to be out in the gloom!