YHC suspected the crowd would be small. The art of the ruck is intimidating to many. Our hallowed AO often the subject of Twitter banter, yet the “banterers” are hard to find at Shelley Lake Monday mornings. That’s alright. 3 men accepted the challenge, and tested their fitness this AM in the gloom.

Quick warm-up with good mornings, windmills, and mountain climbers. With two KB coupons among us, we began…

The Thang

50 merkins, 50 sit-ups w/ruck on chest, 50 squats

Up the hill to the dam, lunge walk the dam with coupon, back down the other side to the parking lot.

50 ruck curls, 50 flutter kicks, 50 lunges in place

Up the hill, double time across the dam, back down

50 partner derkins, 50 count 6 inch leg hold, 50 squat thrusters with ruck

That’s as far as we made it. Last bit was to alternate bear crawling/lunge walking the dam. There’s always next time.

Nice work to the men brave enough to take on the test this AM. T-claps to Cindy for taking his monster kettle bell solo. That’s what happens when the other two guys are lagging behind you. YHC noted perhaps he should add something for next time. PAX felt this was plenty. It was decided the next fitness test would take place to kick off the OTC in April. You can run, but you can’t hide.

Prayers up for Cindy’s issue at work, all the PAX expecting little ones on the way. Mule Saturday etc.

Cinderella took us out.