
Many times we roll out of bed then stumble to our workout for the day. We rarely get to know our F3 brothers in the gloom especially during the dark, early morning hours. It’s usually during COT we learn what brothers shared the pain with us. Thanks to Shaggy’s creative workout we learned everyone’s names and a little more about the PAX. We should practice this every day in the gloom, at other F3 events and in life.

Jog around parking lot w/ butt kickers, high knees and karaoke.
End at right side of building, lunge walk down the gravel drive
Grab a rock and circle up in the grass behind building

Warm Up
Stress proper calls/cadence
Side-Straddle Rock-Hop x20 (hold rock overhead and jump feet in and out)
Rock Choppers x20 (10 each side)
Rock Climbers x20 (mtn climbers with hands on rock)

Side-Straddle Rock-Hop x20 (hold rock overhead and jump feet in and out)
Rock Merkins x20 (10 each side)
Rock Climbers x20 (mtn climbers with hands on rock)

Return rocks and jog back to parking lot, circle up (need area of good light)

Deck of Cards
Place cards in the middle of the circle. Identify the exercises. Flip card and lead first (Remind again proper cadence). Call someone to come out, flip the next card, and lead that exercise. That guy picks another PAX (by name) to do the next card. Make sure everyone gets a turn.

Clubs = Burpees – OYO x number on card
Diamonds = Flutter Kicks – IC x number on card
Hearts = Hammers – IC x number on card
Spades = Merkins– IC x number on card

The Field of Knowledge
Jog to first baseball field and assume People Chair on backstop.
Down the line, each PAX says name of where you grew up (town and state).
Bear Crawl to grass, sprint to fence, assume People Chair.
Down the line with college you attended (all if multiple).
Sprint to dirt, Bear Crawl to backstop, assume People Chair.
Down the line with your what you do for a living (job title).
Balls to the Wall on backstop
Down the line with who got you out to F3.

Jog up to basketball court for Mary and COT

Each PAX called out a Mary exercise then ran around the circle to their starting position (duck,duck, goose).

COT – Get to know your brothers in the gloom, tell us something we may not know about you.
Swirly grew up surfing in Atlantic Beach
Costco is scared of heights
Tongue and Groove loves to fish
Orwell loves headstarts