Twenty-nine bushy-tailed and bright-eyed PAX convened at 0545 Monday at Fetzer Field on the UNC Campus for their weekly Manic Monday beatdown.

The festivities commenced with a quick run up and down the 14 rows of stadium steps at Fetzer Field, then a warmup of wind mills, imperial walkers, arm circles forward and back and merkins.

Then we numbered off, the odds going with Lo Pair and Kim Jung Still to run Four Corners for 15 minutes, with pauses in each corner for diamond-grip merkins, derkins, LBC’s, Carolina dry docks, LBCs, WWII, box cutters and partner derkins.

Meanwhile, Shooter’s group circled in the middle of the field for a round of merkin pyramids (1x, 2x, 3x and up to 10, then back down) followed by a burpee/jump lunge ladder (1 burpee and 10 jump lunges, 2 and 9, 3 and 8, respectively).

Then we switched, with KJS leading his group on a “Ring of Fire.” All in a circle and 1 PAX sprint to soccer goal and back then 5 burpees in the middle while calling exercise.  Merkins, LBC’s, WWII’s, Air Squats, Jump Air Squats, Lunges, Six Inch Plank Hold, CDD, Diamond Grip Merkins, etc.

Then a second version of Ring of Fire with a plank hold while each man in secessoin does five merkins, rinsing and repeating.

Shooter’s group ran the Four Corners, with Champ, Bouche and Ricky Bobby leading one lap each with various & sundry in the corners: dips, WWIIs, CDD and more followed by a grueling bear crawl one width of the soccer field.

A quick round of Mary (plank holds, LBCs, Peter Parkers) wrapped it up.