19 PAX (not quite an A-Team record) took the #redpill this morning including 3 FNG’s, which is more than YHC recalls in his admittedly short tenure.  The PAX had assembled themselves on the lake end of the parking lot, which was fortuitous.  Short disclaimer and off we go.  “Follow me.”

Short mosey and warm-up with the usual suspects: Side-straddle hop, Good Morning, Imperial Walker, Sir Fazio Arm Circles.  Find a partner, size might matter.  Maybe.  Follow me to the Thang.

Mosey on toward the lake and take a left on the paved path, starting a clockwise tour-de-lake, pearls-on-a-string style.

Stop for some merkins (Bert made us all look by yelling “BIKE” in the gloom).  Find a rickety fence for some irkins as well.  Follow me.

To the dock, which as it turns out is floating. Not entirely stable.

So the best idea, of course, would be to do 10x box jumps and 10x squat jumps.  #donthurl  Follow me.

To the parking lot at the other end of the lake.  (Yes, you can get there from here!)  Partner 1 bear crawls to other end of parking lot and runs back while partner B does merkins.  Flapjack.  Lunge walk to end of lot as one big happy (?) PAX.  Follow me.  #whatsthatsmell

Mosey along trail another 1/4mi or so, find a spot where we won’t get killed by a biker or jogging stroller.  Find some cushy moss and do flutter kicks x20.  Yes, Hotspot, follow me.

Find ourselves at the base of power-line hill.  Here’s where size might matter – partner carry up hill, switch when you need to. Jog back down and continue around lake trail.  Follow Burt.

Head to picnic shelter at trailhead where we started, do 20x left/right step-ups while the PAX gather.

Mary in parking lot:  20x Freddy Mercury; 25x American Hammer; Q outsource to Hasselhoff who called 20x LBC in fine fashion to finish us out.

COT/Name-o-rama. Three FNGs today – welcome to:

  • John, a Michigan fan, now known as RichRod.  Thank Hotspot.
  • Chris, works in finance and likes to fish, now known as Bushwhacker.  Something about a spear.
  • David, also a fan of the water, now known as Bobber.

I believe all our FNGs came out from North Raleigh today along with a few others – welcome to F3 and hope to see you again soon in the gloom, our place or yours.  (also, How-How!)

Announcements:  2ndF this Thursday @ Pharmacy; FOD needs Q’s; something else?

Prayer requests:

  • Disco Duck’s father – diagnosed with throat cancer.
  • Hasselhoff’s family – mother-in-law leaving the big ball soon
  • Bushwhacker’s sister-in-law

YHC took us out.  Thanks for another chance to learn by doing.

Naked Moleskin:

  • PAX covered 2.6mi today.  No, A-Team is not CarApex’s latest “run workout.” Mostly. Maybe. I promise we’ll be more stationary in a couple weeks. Great to see everyone sticking together. Relentless forward progress.
  • Resisted McCants’ suggestion to do wheelbarrows up power-line hill, as good an idea as it is. #painitforward
  • YHC still feeling the effects from this weekend’s extended ruck. This was a good recovery and as always a great way to start the week.