YHC dove out of a moving vehicle at 515 to start the workout in a hurry. Only 2 for a full dose? OK. Less is more in the pain game.

EC: Stair Loop- 25 Squats at the top decreasing to 0 by increments of 5. Finish at the top and hold a squat. Jog to the holes: Brick relay- each pax grabs two bricks at a time and puts them into the holes until all holes filled. 20x dip, 15x derkin, 15 dip, 10x derkin: time’s up

Now that it had heated up from a chilly 80 during EC, the rest of the PAX were ready to end their week right.

The regular: Jog back to the holes 10x imperial walker, 10x good morning, 10x mountain climber- then pick a hole. Those two bricks are for your hands. Time for heavily modified man makers: Put your feet in the hole, merkin and then extend each brick-laden hand forward until your arm is parallel with the ground and your hand is at the same level as your head. That’s one. First round 10x. then, Dips 20x, HMMM 10x, Dips 15x, HMMM 5x, LBC 20x Dips 15x HMMM 5x. Jog up the stairs to the next station.

Pull up, tag out. Start at the far side of Belk’s high pace jog the length of the store towards the food court and at the height warning bar, 5x pull ups. Partner is doing 5x merkin 10 count plank 5x, 10 count (etc) until partner 1 returns. 4 sets of each side of the rotation per partner. Jog to the big ramp.

Mid workout Mary break: 20x LBC, 20x Heels to Heaven, 20x Freddie Mercury, 20x Hello Dolly.

Line up on the ramp for my favorite Yo-yo inspired exercise: Bear crawl-plank-merkin- Reverse. The gist: Bear crawl foward a bit then plank, then 5x merkins, then reverse bear crawl then plan than merkin 5x then forwards again.  We did that about 5 minutes, took a people’s chair hiatus for 1 min then went back at it facing up hill. After enough groans YHC took the PAX to the bottom of the escalators. 4x up the stairs 10x lunges at the bottom each time. about 2 reps in Plebe ditched the workout.

Jog back to the start and put the bricks from your hole back on the pallets along the way. Finish: COT

Announcements- there was an Arena, HH was at cloud brewing.

Romans 12: 1-2 – I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Hush Puppy prayed us out and onwards to coffeeteria.