February 16th marks the birthday to two of the greatest sportsmen to ever live. John McEnroe and Kim Jong Il. McEnroe is famous for his 7 grand slam titles in tennis. Kim took a break from being a ruthless dictator to play the most unbelievable round of golf in history, a 38 under par 34 with 5 aces. It just goes to show that through hard work and systematically crushing your people to such an extent that no one contradicts you anything is possible.

Speaking of crushing thingsā€¦

The Thang:

Run for a while. Talk about how hot/cold miserable/nice it is. Circle up near the rings and warm up.

Partner up

Run to kite statue: 15 prisoner squats,15 partner merkins,15 freddie mercurys

Run down hill to brain/gates thing on left: 5 pull ups, 5 burpees

Run to right and follow trail outside of woods all the way to paved trail:15 partner derkins,15 low slow flutters,15 hammers.

Repeat until 6:08, fellowship jog back to parking lot.