23 PAX in attendance with 1 FNG. For those who have never seen or witnessed a Dark Star Orchestra show, they’re a Grateful Dead cover band, who does not just cover songs…they reenact entire concerts. It’s brilliant, and at the conclusion, the crowd of deadheads are all chanting which show it was, with when and where it happened.  Today, I was the Dark Star Orchestra performing a classic in my eyes, and fully expected to hear a “Wendell Gee at Ball Bearings!” chant rise up from the COT.

This is an entire workout from start to end, performed at a different venue, by Wendell Gee at BallBearings…it just happened to be last week tho.

Warm Up: No warm up. Disclosure in the gather parking lot to our new FNG. Sprint down hill to main street and back up. 10 Burpies. SSH x 15. Sprint again, down and back up. 10 Burpies. Low squat holds. Sprint down again and back up, 10 burpies. Plank. Low Plank with Peter Parkers in cadence x 10.

Jog to main field, circle up on 6’s. Next was a Wendell Gee special. This was like JackWebbs but for abs. WW2 Sit up x 1, LowSlowFlutter x1 in cadence, then WW2 x 2….that sequence all the way up to 10.

Jog down to the walkway wall. Line up. 5 dips, 5 boxjumps, 5 Irkins…same sequence x 10, x 15, x 20(one leg step ups vs boxjumps)…then back down to 5 reps.

Jog back up to field. Line up on goal line. Sequence of full field sprints with workouts on each end. Mix in some down and backs, then a 3 field length sprint as well. We did a lot of these to be honest…I kinda black’d-out and don’t remember how many and exactly what workouts at the end of the sprints, but know we did some low squats and holds and plenty of LowPlank Peter Parkers. Jog to tennis courts for Mary and COT.


WW2 situps x 15, Dying Cockroach x 15, LBCs x 15, LowPlank PeterParker’s x 10.

Naked Moleskin:

Prayer request: BoxJump friend who had a baby, Western Stranger’s grandmother, Waldo’s friend who is about to start chemo.

Swingline took us out in the good word. WELCOME FNG **BOYBAND!!**