Heard one of my favorite REM songs today – Don’t Go Back to Rockville.  Reminded me of some work we did at Dawn Patrol with the Pax of 15.

Here’s how it went:

Run lap around parking lot
Single count merkins x 50
SSH x 25
Fazio Arm Circles x 15 x 15 x 10 x 10
Mountain Climbers x 25

Partner Up on basketball court – partner one heads to far end of court two while partner one stays at far end of court 1.
1. Partners bear crawl from each end until they meet and then do 10 partner high-five merkins
2. Repeat with crab walk
3. Repeat with gorilla
4. Repeat with broad jump
5. Repeat with lunge walk
6. Sprint from one of to court to other end and then back to middle for last round of partner high-five merkins x 10.

Head to rock pile along wooden fence and grab a rock – someone grabbed a stupid heavy rock – like 50 lbs heavy.  At this point we did a series of curls, shoulder presses, tricep extensions and bent-over rows.  Probably 8-10 total sets with typical reps between 15-25.  To keep everyone awake, YHC spread the cadence work around the PAX and they did a great job including I Like Tacos, Hope Solo, ShakenBake, Peace Pipe, Yukon Cornelius.

Head down towards baseball field.  Observe nice three level staircase going up – partner stairbarrow set with 10 wheelbarrow merkins at the top.

Head into baseball field – partner 1 does balls-to-wall while partner 2 sprints length of outfield and back. Flapjack.

Jack Webb 1-10
American Hammer x 40.

No announcements or prayer requests today.  Some discussion about posting during forthcoming inclement weather and realizing that one of your F3 brothers will be showing up to Q – don’t let him down – post.

Signing off,