The originally scheduled Q for this morning ended up having a conflict, so I was brought in out of the bullpen in relief. I had planned out some work in the big field, but after last night’s downpour, I audibled and decided to keep the workout entirely on the tennis courts for an amrap beatdown. It’s Wimbledon season, so why not? A light turnout of 6 PAX joined YHC for the fun and we got to work right at 5:30. It must be vacation week, as we’ve been averaging ~20 PAX at Eastbound the past several weeks.

Warm Up of SSH, Good mornings, Wind Mills, Merkens, Mountain Climbers, and Imperial Walkers x 20.


Jog to tennis courts to far fence. Everyone on the line for suicides with plank work in between sets. Did this 3 times.

Next was 6 min amrap cycle of 20 merkens, 20 lbcs and 20 squats. No breaks. No breathers. 6 minutes giving all you got.

When time expired, we did some balls 2 the wall and preachers chairs to catch our breath before we were back on the line for the BEAST.

Stopping at each doubles line, we completed the beast with the following exercises: wide grip merkens, LBCs, monkey humpers, burpies, star jumps, and dying cockroaches. Plank work and squat holds between runs.

Next was another amrap cycle. This time 6 minutes of WW2 sit-ups, American Hammers, and Ski Abs x 20. Once this was completed, it was back on the line for sprints down and back 5 times and ending the runs with 5 burpees OYO.

Finally, we circled back up in the parking lot for low slow flutters x 30 and then a 6 inch leg hold around the circle 10 count each.


Prayers to Yoda’s neighbors. Thank you to Deuce for the strong work taking us out.