One of the elders from my church has been on me for over a year to have coffee; this was the morning. We met downtown Greer, sat down and had some small talk, but quickly got into some really deep-down issues. This friend of mine could tell that since my wife and I had returned to our church after leaving briefly to take a breather following her departure as director of children & family ministries, we were really struggling with some things – and looking back now it was mainly “purpose.” The two of us had once been extremely involved. I held several leadership and volunteer roles over the years and was always working in the church. I expressed to him that we had been isolating ourselves for a while and really felt some voids in our life especially now that our ministry work had come to a halt. He started telling me about a mentor program where you meet with a child that needs a male figure in their life once a week and just spend time and help them in any way you can. I quickly realized this was Gods way of putting work back on me that I had desperately needed. This coffee date was service on his part – giving it away to me, calling me to action.

F3 has taught me over the last 3 years that life is a struggle; just like some of our CSAUPS or boot camps are a struggle, but if we stay fighting together we can overcome and finish any challenge or race. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is insurmountable. F3 has given me new relationships with brothers that I used to walk past or rarely speak to in church or in town. F3 has given me brothers to share life with, to better myself as well as what we are called to do “serve our community and each other.” Some unbelievable blessings have come from F3. In my life when at times I did not feel like I had a purpose anymore I have realized there’s always areas to serve. One of the most humbling moments was walking into houses in Columbia with my brothers from all around the state and seeing the faces of people that had lost everything in 24 short hours. I thought I was going to serve them, but I soon realized this was also a wake up call for me. Everything can be taken away in an instant. I’ve said before, God has assembled this group of men for something much bigger than meets the eye.

Sometimes we are called to serve on very public levels and sometimes just in one-on-one interactions. Through God F3 has taught me to be a man of action. When we are faced with these tasks do not wait but take action to the call of duty. I’m not preaching to you, but I’m sharing what I have to tell myself every day.

I met with the guidance counselor at the elementary school and went through the steps to become a certified mentor. I got a call soon after: “When can you start, we have a 4th grade boy that needs a mentor?” The first Friday we met I felt confident prior to the meeting; then, I walked into an elementary school cafeteria…Holy crap…this was one of the scariest things I’ve done in a while. The little guy comes up to the table, shakes my hand and we begin to talk. It was not the best first meeting – I somewhat felt like I had blown it with him. After leaving that day I realized I’m only in the first few miles of this race there is much more ground and many more obstacles to overcome.

Fast forward to 3 months later…my buddy Charlie and I have had some great interactions and he has killed me in checkers more times than I would like to admit to. Kids a beast! Anyways, over Christmas break I was able to get him over to our house and play outside and spend some time together. I have gained his friendship and I can tell he enjoys spending time with me. Now the work begins. F3 teaches us to challenge ourselves – if you’ve been doing this long enough you remember the first time you had to Q a workout and count in cadence; it’s not easy and can be nerve-racking. But you know you can get through it and your brothers will not let you down. I have started challenging Charlie in some areas and he’s responding amazingly.

This week of reflection and being back home from travel has really made me realize outside of my own family Charlie is my new purpose and opportunity to “serve our community.” Service comes in all different shapes and forms. It’s not always going to be with a title or out in the open public. I would challenge you to serve in 2017. This is not a sales pitch for you to become a mentor at your local elementary school or go serve in your church, but I would encourage you to find areas you can serve in. You are being called…Are you listening?

Anyone that knows me well enough knows that I’m a fan of the latest and greatest workout apparel. I love everything about fitness and especially new shoes. This doesn’t make me a bad person, however I do have a problem. If you are struggling with the same addictions and want to get better…….don’t call me..;) Anyways, the new always wears off in everything and for me even at times at F3. What I have found is that when I started putting my faith-in-action with service in my community F3 became so much bigger than I even realized the last few years. I’ve been lucky enough to run races, lead convergences, and push myself well beyond what I thought physically was possible. None of this has given me gratification like praying with my brothers in the cot, building life long friendships, and serving others. If you’re feeling like you need something new in your life and even F3 is getting a little dull read this and know you are not alone. However, like me it’s probably time for your wake up call. It’s a call to action! Go serve others.

-“F3 is not just a fitness group”

-“It doesn’t get easier you get stronger”

-“Faith without action is no Faith at all”

-“Proverbs 27:17 “Iron Sharpens Iron”

These aren’t just phrases they’re truths to remember and live by.

-Happy New Year Gents

Blue Hawaii