1 lap around tennis courts
20x SSH
10x good mornings (1-2-3,1)
15x hillbillies or imperial walkers (1-2-3,1)
10x Fwd&Bwd Fasio Arm Circles
Pigeon stretch
15xMerkins (on Q’s my down)
Baller Event:
Over to Hill- Mtn Crawl – 12’s x 2
Joe Hendricks (backwards bear crawl up hill)
The count totals 12 each time
2x Merkin at bottom, 10x air squats at top
Walk down the hill,
4x merkin at bottom, 8x air squats at top
Walk down the hill, …continue until you finish w/2x air squats at the top
(Basically: Climbing the hill 5 times)
Jog to brick bldg
Wall step ups 20count
Jog to playground green benches
Count off 1-2-3, 1-2-3.
1’s do Dips on benches 15x, 10x, 5x
2’s do Pull-ups 15x, 10x, 5x
3’s do Incline Pull Ups 15x, 10x, 5x
OR 3 rounds of 10x each
Lunge Walk to Brick Bldg
– Peoples Chair Air Press. (Q 4 count) Hands up & down
– 15x OYO Derkins on wall
– Balls To the Wall – 20 count
Mary at Tennis courts
-15x Box cutters 1-out, 2-up/down, 3-in, 4-down/up.
-15x Reverse box cutters
-20x LBCs (Q calls up)
-20x boat-canoes. Q calls out Boat (pulled in), Canoe (stretched out)
-20x Freddie Mercury (Q calls 4 count)
Circle of Trust – Name-o-rama
Announcements: Starke 50th is tomorrow
Prayer Request: Healing for injured F3 brothers