A 12-pack of Cary sophisticates began the morning with a taste of the arts but ended up going back to school with a fledgling headmaster…let’s see if the greenhorn can remember his lesson.

Warm-up jog to the arts center for SSH x20; GM x20; Windmill x20; Sir Fazio Arm Circles x20; Mtn Climbers x20 & Merkins x10.

Partner-up (made sense at the time) and split-up for bear crawl (to be henceforth dubbed ‘Sputniks’) up and down stairs followed by spider crawl up the ramp rails.  Hit the planters for Dips x20 and Derkins x10. Repeato up and down stairs (this time via crab walk — mumble chatter escalates) and spider crawl the ramp rails.  Hit the planters for Dips x20 and Irkins x10.

Mosey to parking lot for quick feet x20 before heading behind the school for Sputniks up the ramp and Australian pull-ups x10 on rail.

Jog to playground and partner-up (this time with purpose) for 3 opposing laps around track with handshake merkins x10 at midway point and pull-ups x10 at start/end.

Hit the 2.0 basketball court to recover with american hammers x20 and reverse LBCs x20.

Back to the track for karaoke to midway point followed by a backwards run down the stretch.

Balls to the wall for 5 count down the line (Surcharge take note: the count begins AFTER you take your position- 2 demerits)

Back to 2.0 court for broad jump burpees down and back and then mosey out to bench for Dips x10 and Irkins x10.  Sputnik down the ramp to the parking lot.

Jog back to arts center with quick feet x20 in parking lot and then a quick diversion at the bench circle for dips x10 before circling up for Freddie Mercury x20 and 6 inch leg holds for 10 count around the horn.  T-claps to Riptide for pointing out Old Glory’s majesty while we suffered….

Mosey back to BO headquarters and finish things off with LBCs x20.

A great morning with better men.  Always a pleasure to be with this group.  Strong work today.