YHC was honored to lead the 9 PAX in another beat down at Kenny’s Grave. Roger Roger has been coming on strong and brought out an FNG this morning. Welcome Kid Cracker! Great to have you out there with us.



Lap around the track

SSH (x20)

Good Mornings (x10)



‘Merkin Clock’

1st complete 12 Merkins; walk hands to 1 o’clock and do 1 Merkin; walk hands to 2 o’clock and do 2 Merkins…78 total Merkins


‘Around the World’

PAX complete one lap around the parking lot; then (BJB) Broad Jump Burpee the length of the parking lot; then run the rest of the lap around back to the beginning; air chair until everyone completes.

PAX complete on lap around the parking lot; then plank walk ¼ distance, bear crawl ¼ distance, plank walk other way ¼ distance and then backward bear crawl ¼ distance; then run the rest of the lap around back to the beginning; air chair until everyone completes.

Rinse and Repeat


‘Brokeback Merkin Mountain’

Grab a partner; one partner chill-cut plank while the other puts their feet on their back to complete 20 Merkins; switch so other partner can complete 20 Merkins; then 15, 10 and 5.


‘Choose Your Poison’

Run over to the hill and get the cinder blocks; at the top of the hill ½ the PAX complete 50 Cinder Block Curls; the other ½ of the PAX run up and down the hill until they are complete; Switch.

Then, ½ the PAX complete 50 squats; the other ½ of the PAX run up and down the hill until they are complete; Switch.



WWII (x50)



We welcomed FNG Kid Cracker (or Cracka?). He came out strong and seems to have caught the Emotional Headlock from Roger Roger. Many prayers for situations going on with the PAX of F3SouthWake.