No FNGs so after a brief discussion on how it’s physically impossible to say no to a Tony Robbins EH we were off with a jog to the top of the parking deck.  Backwards run up the slopes, regular run on the flats.

Warmups were 20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Mountain Climbers.

Partener up:
– P1: does an exercise while
– P2: runs to the far end of the deck and back
When P2 returns, 10 Handshake Merkins then P1 runs
When P1 returns, 10 Handshake Merkins then squat hold until everyone is finished.
The exercises were:
– Low Plank Hold
– Chill Cut
– Al Gore (squat hold while you pretend to hug a tree)
– 6in Leg Hold
– Boat/Canoe (just the boat since Deliverance was at Urban Jungle)

In all we had 100 Merkins along with a stranger who pulled up in a car, asked a random question, then sped off.

Jog down the stairs and line up for an Applesauce-Diamond-Merkin-Tag run to Hengis Khan.
(before sprinting to the front of the line stop and do 5 diamond merkins)

Stop at the rock pile, hornet disclaimer given, plank it out.
– left arm up, right leg out, regular, right arm up, left leg out, regular. etc.

Grab a rock to share with your partner.
– P1: run to the top of the hill then take the long way back — through the parking lot, down the stairs and back to your partner
– P2: Cycle between AMRAP rock curls and AMRAP tricep extensions
– Flapjack

Jog back to the parking deck:
– All you got back to the starting point and circle up for:
– LBCs (51)
– 10 count around the circle with a 6in Leg Hold
– 10 count around the circle with Superman
– Low Plank Hold to fail — do a Low Plank Hold until you collapse, then do Monkey Humpers until everyone is finished.

Congratulations to Duff and Mayhem who won the Low Plank Hold competition. Condolences to everyone else for having to watch me do Monkey Humpers.

– July 4th convergence (this Saturday): Catalyst or Ambassador (cofeeteria to follow).
– Welcome back Sporty Spice who is coming off a long string of back-to-back illnesses
– Mayhem took us out

Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

-Von Trapp