A solid turnout of 17 were eager to get to work and YHC was happy to oblige. Delighted to see Wonder Bread back in action after a break taken for new baby and great to have Franklin, Moline and Airbag continuing their 6-pack journey with us.  On with the show…

Jog through work zone to Cary’s favorite bank circle, Burt being a good citizen and picking up trash along the way.  Start with standard stuff, although damage inflicted in the ‘80’s kept YHC from recalling name of one exercise.  WIth a little help from my friends, it went like this: SSH x 20, Imperial Walkers x 20, Fazio arm circles x 20. This was followed by a twist to the usual warm up:

Bear crawl 180 degrees, stop into a plank, followed by merkins x 3 rotating around circle. Recover,  alternating L/R step ups x 20, Sumo squats x 20.  Return to bear crawl and complete the circle, then merkins x 5 rotating around the circle.

A short jog from the circle to Pax Thursday night HH spot, The Pharmacy. At the Pharmacy, we were doing two rounds of IPA’s which played out as Incline merkins, Plank jacks, American hammers, all x 20.  Two IPA’s usually gives me a good buzz, so let’s move down Chatham St to parking lot, I think it’s a furniture store, hopefully I will never need to step foot inside the place.

In the parking lot, four corners, escalator style, going 10 burpees, 20 Carolina dry docks, 30 lunge jumps and 40 crab jacks, squat when done. This was followed by same exercises in reverse order.  After returning to lobby level, a brief plank-a-rama.

Across the street for stop at Little Ceasars for people’s chair and BTTW, down the line, 5 seconds per Pax.  The slow counters were called out, hey we got 17 guys here! Were off again.

Next event was to partner up for suicides flap jacking with core work. Cones were set up earlier that morning on what I thought was a rarely used Cary back road near rail road tracks.  I was wrong, after one round, Cary PD and then bunch of other cars wanted to use our workout venue.  Having the Pax stand idle is a big Q violation, so after some confusion, we regrouped in nearby parking lot and wrapped up.  LBC’s, Chill cut Peter Parkers and box cutters were done.

Lastly, jog Chatham St. back to BO HQ for one round of burpee / high knee ring of fire followed by Freddy Mercurys x 20 and Pax round of six inch leg hold. That’s a wrap.


MaBell announced we need to resume last Thursday of the month HH at Pharmacy, that’s a YES, its on, go tonight and enjoy a better IPA then served this AM. Otherwise, Mule and Bull, check web site and sign up.

Prayer requests were not verbalized, wishing peace to all, YHC took us out. Always a pleasure to join my F3 brothers and start the day off right in heart of Cary!


This won’t be Callahan quality or length, but some quick observations:

  • Strong numbers in Cary of late, great to see.
  • I would put mumble chatter at 7.3 on the 1 to 10 scale, it might have been that event at PNC last night took the edge off.
  • Pax generally pretty forgiving for Q’s exercise name drops and cluster on the street by RR tracks,a lack of o2 kept it quiet during four corners.
  • Learned this morning that Denali and Nabisco causing some confusion for a certain site Q. Other then both being two of F3’s machoist men, do they really look alike?
  • With Wonder Bread rejoining today, did make me think about the RESPECT deserving to him and all the fathers of young kids that endure interrupted nights, hectic schedules and still manage to get up and out for the 5:45 start. Well done guys, it’s not easy but you need this, keep up the good work!