A rusty Q got lucky with perfect weather (61 degrees), a cooperative knee, and 14 PAX who were ready to work.  Nothing fancy like sandbags and tractor tires, but we got down to business:


WARMUP: Sprint to top of hill for 10 OYO Burpees; sprint to bottom of hill for traditional warm up – 20 SSH, 20 Imperial Walker, 15 Good Morning, 20 Fazio Arm Circles (forward and backward). Jog to the field with high knees and butt kickers.  And nobody looks cool doing high knees and butt kickers.

INTO THE WEEDS: Sprint across the field for 15 merkins / 20 prisoner squats and sprint back; Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat

RAILROAD (yes it’s a thing):  Indian Run meets the Cackalacky Choo Choo; first guy runs 5 yards and planks; next guy jumps over him and runs 5 yards and planks, etc… fun way to move a group up a hill or across a field.  Whole lotta plankin’ going on.

ROCK PILE: 15 bicep curls, 15 tricep extensions, 15 shoulder presses, then bear crawl up the small hill and sprint back.  Repeat but sprint to trees and back.  Repeat and jog to picnic tables.  We switched rocks on every exercise to keep the PAX honest.

PICNIC TABLE: 20 dips, 15 irkins, 15 dirkins

SUICIDE WATCH: Hit the basketball court.  Partner One does Sarkozy, Regular and Putin Planks while Partner Two does a traditional suicide (full court / double court).  Flap Jack

MARY:  180 count LBC pyramid and 20 Ali Shoulder Taps.

NAMEORAMA AND COT:  Ferron (I think!) took us out with a strong prayer.  Special prayers for Hush Puppy who lost his father yesterday after a bout with cancer.  Great work by all!

AND FINALLY, A FAMOUS MOVIE QUOTE: “They’ll turn up your driveway not knowing for sure why they’re doing it. They’ll arrive at your door as innocent as children, longing for the past. Of course, we won’t mind if you look around, you’ll say. It’s only $20 per person. They’ll pass over the money without even thinking about it: for it is money they have and peace they lack.”