YHC got his inner Avenger on and tweeted out for Agoge Assemble on this brisk October AM. With my handy dandy headlamp I picked up over the weekend to beatdown the gloom of the AO’s up here, I was setting up cones over yonder in the soccer field and was pleased to see eager PAX assembled as I came back over the hill. 7  PAX present and no FNG’s but good to see Fabio back out and the 2nd POST from Casey Kasem after his maiden POST at The Farm Saturday (the EH still works gents, he’d been in one a couple months). Was time to get this party started.

SSH X 25
IW X 25
Good Mornings X 20
Sir Fazio FWD X 20 HOLD IT into
Morroccan Nightclub X 20 HOLD IT into
Sir Fazio BWD X 20 HOLD IT into
Morroccan Nightclub X 20
Mountain Climbers X 20

Mosey over the hill and through the woods to the soccer field…


YHC exclaims ‘grab a rock’ which is then followed by PAX queries of ‘Will we run with this rock’ and ‘Is this a LTR rock or a college frat party rock’.

10 ROUNDS WITH TYSON – 4 lines setup, stop at each and complete 10 reps
Round 1 – Curls X 10, Merkins X 10, Curls X 10, LBC X 10
Round 2 – Shoulder press X 10, Starjumps X 10, Shoulder press X 10, Reverse LBC X 10
Round 3 – Tricep ext X 10, Diamond Merkins X 10, Tricep ext X 10, LBC X 10
Round 4 – Woodchoppers left X 10, Plankjacks X 10, Woodchoppers right X 10, Reverse LBC X 10
Round 5 – Woodchoppers right X 10, Squats X 10, Woodchoppers X 10, Squats X 10, WWII X 10
Round 6 – Bent over row X 10, Drydocks X 10, Bent over row X 10, Heels to Heaven X 10
Round 7 – Alt. Shoulder Tap X 10, Air squats X 10, Alt. Shoulder Tap X 10, LBC X 10
Round 8 – Deadlift X 10, Ski abs X 10, Deadlift X 10, Reverse LBC X 10
Round 9 – Chest press X 10, Sumo squats X 10, Chest press X 10, Freddie Mercuries X 10
Round 10- Curls X 10, Burpees X 10, Curls X 10, Starplank X long 10

Take rock and run to base of Patterson Hill for modified Jacob’s ladder

STAIRWAY TO SEVEN – Start at base of hill, run to top with rock, exercise at top/bottom totaling 7.
Merican hammers X 1, Rocks Squats X 6
” X 2, ” X 5
” X 3, ” X 4
” X 4, ” X 3
” X 5, ” X 2
” X 6, ” X 1

Rosalitas X 25
Flutterkicks X 25
Boxcutters X 25
6″ Leg hold around the circle X 70

That’s all folks!

Nameorama and YHC shared some thoughts from today’s workout . Strong showing by all PAX today and especially Casey Kasem’s 2nd POST after his maiden beatdown at The Farm this past Saturday. Noticeable absence today was Floppy Disk, praying for you brother for a speedy recovery from the shoulder rebuild.

– Sign up to Q at Agoge, Excalibur and The Farm.
– The Farm is live, Rolesville Main St. Park, Saturday 0700-0800. WaFo and K-town you asked, so let’s get out there to POST.
– F3 Christmas Party, Dec. 17, more details to follow.

– Bilo’s has a sick 2.0, pray to get better and rest of the fam stays healthy.
– Pray for Floppy’s recovery and his M picking up extra duty around the household.
– Casey Kasem starting a bike repair ministry in his church. Pray for wisdom and guidance.

Patina took us out in style.

YHC took away some inspiration from Stairway to Heaven today that I had to share with the PAX. Toting the rock up and down the hill was burdensome, tiresome, exhausting. Felt weighted down then in the midst of the workout I said this is weight of sin in our lives. Most PAX did an EC set to leave no one behind and finish up with a brother and I had PAX leave the rock and finish the EC set without their rock. During COT I shared my thoughts. Sin weighs us down. It is burdensome, tiring and exhausts us living in it. This is why we humble ourselves and confess and repent of those sins that weigh us down. We confess before the Lord and He takes those burdens away. That is why we need people in our lives. Our wife, brothers, pastors to confess our sins to and to help hold us accountable. The relief of the last set without that rock was freeing, joyful. Like when we confess our sins. And helping another brother carry his weight that last set, that is what we are called to do as brothers in Christ, to walk along side and encourage each other when carrying a load. Iron sharpening iron gents, that’s what this is about. It’s an honor to know and to walk alongside you gentlemen, AYE!