The PAX at Agoge have been enduring the downPAINment for 52 weeks now, so we decided to celebrate.  We thought it would be appropriate if one of the originals (Sherpa) had his VQ on the 1 year anniversary of Agoge.  Sherpa and I hatched a plan over the weekend and decided to repeat the first Agoge workout while throwing in a few extra party favors.  This is how it went:

YHC gave the disclaimer, then handed the reins over to Sherpa.

The Thang:
Warmup with SSH x 25, Imperial Walkers x 20, Sir Fazio forward and reverse x 10, Standard Merkins x 15. Butt kickers, high knees, and mosey down the hill to soccer field.

5 Stations for 5 Groups: (Set up in the formation of a star. Bear crawl 25 yards from center to station, do exercise, run back to center, do 10 SSH, rotate to next station):

1) 10 Burpees
2) 20 Star Jumps
3) 30 Merkins
4) 40 Squats
5) 50 LBCs


Sherpa then handed the reins back over to YHC.

Mosey up the hill to the parking lot, run backwards up the small bank.  Karaoke to the right, Karaoke to the left.  Plank it out.  Sprint 25 yards..give or take.  Plank it out.  Sprint back to the “starting line”.

Mosey back down the hill to the rock pile, find suitable rock.
In cadence, curls x 20, overhead press x 20.  Drop rock and move 2 positions to the left.  Triceps extension x 15.  Drop rock and move 2 positions to the left.  Bench press x 25.

Return rock to pile and mosey up the hill running backwards.  Return back down the hill and bear crawl back up the hill.


Freddie Mercurys x 20
WWII Situps x 20
6″ leg holds with each Pax counting off 10.  YHC skipped Fabio.  Sorry!  I’ll pay more attention next time.


Announcements included Susan G Komen walk for the cure and Convergence at Catalyst and Ambassador at 6:30 am on July 4.  NO Pullen, Whiplash, or Weekend Crick.

Praise for the beautiful day we were given and for BiLo’s daughter making it through surgery to repair her eyelid.  Continued prayers for Patina’s nephew as well as Shakespeare’s ankle and Donna, who has Stage 4 cervical cancer.

Moonshine then presented Floppy with some much deserved gifts from White Street Brewery and Over the Falls Deli to show our appreciation to him for leading us well this past year.

Scrolls took us out with a strong prayer

Then YHC was reminded that he forgot Nameorama!  I was so focused on Moonshine presenting Floppy with a few gifts, I forgot Nameorama.  The PAX did a standing Nameorama, then stood around in awkward silence trying to figure out how to end.

Naked Moleskin:

It was great seeing Sherpa take the Q this week.  Nice work!  Strong work from Ray-mone and Pig Pen today too.  Good to see y’all checking out Agoge.  Hope to see you again.

Personally, I have seen major changes in the Agoge PAX over the last year.  The changes extend well beyond a physical transformation.  Let’s continue to sharpen one another in the upcoming year and also commit to pushing one another well past our comfort zones so that we may become the Husbands, Fathers, Brothers, Bosses and Friends that this world NEEDS.