As launch time neared, the QIC realized he had never been to EB&D, so a quick site tour ensued.

16 PAX emerged from their vehicles (90% of them at 0527; minus Countrywide, who arrived at 0532) and were welcomed by a beautifully warm February morning. Off we went.

Warm-up run out of the AO, right on Quail Hollow Dr and into the back entrance of the park, past the “lake” and into a circle.

5 burpees
Mtn climbers x20
5 burpees
Windmills x155 burpees

Mosey down steps to QH Dr for a modified ladder set. Partner up, size and speed do not matter.

P1 does AMRAP of Flutters, then LBC’s, then Freddie Mercury
P2 sprints up the hill/stairs and does a merkin ladder 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 (50 total)

Mosey across the park to a lit path adjacent to soccer field, approaching Wingate Dr.

Set #1:
Bear crawl the length of path (9 light poles) and stop at each pole for merkins; starting at 2 reps, adding 2 reps at each pole. (90 total)

Back to the first pole.

Set #2
Bear crawl to pole 1, lunge walk to pole 2, broad jump to pole 3, and repeat to top of the hill.

Double time run back to tennis courts for speed work.
Simply put, the PAX sprinted for 13 minutes.
– far doubles line, return
– middle doubles line, return
– far fence, return
– far doubles line, return
– middle doubles line, return
– near doubles line, return.
– balls to the wall (5 count each)
– far doubles line, return
– near doubles line, return
– balls to the wall (5 count each)
– far fence, return.

50 flutter kicks for  Mary.

Great work today, men. YHC has been on a mission in 2016 to “simply” my life and broaden horizons. Hence, Q’ing different sites and changing up the pain stations. EB&D is an awesome site and has an awesome group of PAX. As always, I’m humbled to lead such a crew of men. Thanks for having me!!