25 men (2 FNG’s) emerged from the comfort of their fartsack for a Saturday post at Catalyst. Mother Nature blessed us with perfect weather for a morning of pain.


10 Burpees OYO
.6 mile jog to JC Penny deck
SSH x25
Good Mornings x10

The Thang:

Partner up for pull-up suicides.
Set 1 (OYO): To each beam and back; reps correspond to each beam (1-6)
Sir Fazio Arm Circles x20
Set 2 (Partners): bear crawl between beams, 3 pull-ups at each beam while partner does AMRAP merkins; flapjack exercises at each beam
Set 3 (OYO): To each beam and back; reps correspond to each beam (1-6)
Set 4 (Partners): bear crawl between each beam, 10 pull-ups EACH at beam (1-6).
Flutter Kicks x25

Mosey out of deck and through NH towards the fountain outside of JC Pennys. Irkins IC x20

Mosey back across Six Forks to First Citizens for stair races. Partner up (like speed) and race up bank staircase, touch the planter and return. Last man across line does 10 burpees and returns to line.

Mosey to the Carroll brick wall at the top of the stairs. Partner up (size and speed don’t matter).
P1 bear crawls down and back up stairs near track.
P2 holds balls to the wall until P1 returns.
Repeato x3


LBC’s in modified cadence x50
Box Cutters IC x20

Welcome to Dredge and his 2.0, Sledge. Mayham used his sales expertise to EH these two men and they performed with flying colors. T-claps.

During COT, Getty said it best; Columbia has experienced their Hurricane Andrew and Hurricane Sandy. Let’s not forget the men, women and children who are suffering the effects of catastrophic flood waters. We can all help; supplies (water, non-perishables, etc), a few bucks to the GoFundMe campaign (gofundme.com/9x5mxfv8) and continued prayers.

Men of F3 Columbia– we are with you all in spirit. Be strong, brothers. #ISI

GORUCK is in 7 days. Time to start tapering down your training and start mentally preparing. Remember, no one wins the GORUCK; we all excel and push one another. Afterall, it is THE ultimate team building competition.

Always an honor to lead in the gloom. AYE!