7 men took part in the EC efforts, we even had Oyster bike from his home to meet Big rocks in Clayton and they both rode down to Benson, Distances of 9-10 miles for EC guys starting at 5 and 530 AM. Oyster I think had a total of 100 miles on the bike that day while Big Rocks crushed it back and forth from Benson with the run between. Tick Tok, Dirty Pipes, Gun Show, Chelsea and YHC enjoyed some moderate mosey with a good dose of mumble chatter.

8 PAX for Mad Mule 1776 workout and YHC had to use the phone and Weinke to help make sure I didn’t miss any reps. Great push by all the PAX and fun celebrating the Independence of our Country together.

20 (40) (120)SSH, SQUATS, Fazio 

20 (80) (280)high knees, butt kickers

20 get ups (300)

Dora (100, 200, 300) (900)Merkins, squats, LBC’s

Mountain climbers 20(80) (980)

American Hammer 20 (80) (1060)

7s (pull ups) (box jumps)  (42) (1102) 

11s (dips/plank jack) (110) (1212) 

20s (Superman, Homer) (1262)20(40)

(monkey humpers, hallelujahs, SSH) (120) (1382)20 (80)

Ran a reverse scout loop around the park for a little cardio.

Freddie Mercury, flutter kicks,  MC, box cutters (320) (1702)


WIMPIE LEGS (10 Jumping squats, 10 jumping lunges, 10 Mule kicks 2 rounds)  (1772)

3 merkins (1775)

Have a nice day (1 rep)

Prayer request: DP’s family/mother in law still getting more tests/treatments, Prayer for Stretch’s son at Camp this week, prayers for guys on IR and healing up.

Annoucements: Sasquatch 2021 July 31st F3 ENC