After a couple months of planning, flyers in Knightdale, social media posting, EXCALIBUR launched today. 15 PAX armored up and answered the call! Station Park looks like it is gonna be an ah-some site to Q and POST, so get out here one Thursday!

PAX circled up around the flag and YHC gave the disclaimer and it became the start of something good.


SSH X 25
Imperial Walkers X 25
Sir Fazio Arm circles X 10
Reverse Fazio Arms circles X 10
Good Mornings X 20
Merkins X 20


Brisk jog from the Flag circle over to Station entrance for the 12 Knights of the Round Table Workout. YHC’s attempt at being clever on a variation on 12 days of Christmas workout.

It’s a ladder so start at the top. Do the 1st exercise. Then do the 2nd twice plus the 1st once. Then the 3rd three times plus the 2nd twice.. etc.

12 Knights of the Round Table
1 X Sir Sprint-alot (sprints around Station entrance/fields with a couple catch Patina sprints)
2 X Sir Burpee-alot
3 X Sir Step Ups-alot
4 X Sir Irkin-alot (with a visit from Sir Dirkin-alot mixed in)
5 X Sir Dip-alot
6 X Sir WWII Sit up-alot
7 X Sir Sumo Squat-alot (Sir Prisoner Squat-alot made an appearance as well)
8 X Sir LBC-alot
9 X Sir Carolina Dry Dock-alot
10 X Sir American Hammers-alot
11 X Sir Plankjack-alot
12 X Sir Starjump-alot

YHC took more time than expected and left Floppy Disk with 9 minutes (sorry FD). Floppy hit the columns at Station entrance for some chair and balls wall.

Peoples Chair X 30 count with arms to side, front and up high.
Balls to the Wall X 15 count
Peoples Chair X 30 repeato
Balls to the Wall X 15 repeato

Time up, we will pay Mary back next week.


Circled up for some name-o-rama. YHC reminded PAX of no one left behind mentality and pushing ourselves and encouraging one another is one of the perks of the F3Nation. It won’t get easier, but you will get stronger. Short on time we got name-o-rama done and welcome FNG’s Zeb, Sprinker, Travolta and Lucky! Good showing today brothers, I have a feeling yall will be back for more.


– Prayer for Jared Scott, pastor of local church several FNG’s attend on current Haiti mission trip.
– Terramite’s mother in law, Bev, who injured her arm.
– Shank’s wife for traveling mercies on her way to Alabama today.
– Unspokens.


It was an honor to launch and lead today. Thanks F3Raleigh for enduring all the Excalibur tweets up to today. And they ain’t gonna stop! Started this F3 thing a little over a year ago and am still humbled and in awe of the confidence and leadership skills I have cultivated in a years time. So get out brothers and Q, co-Q or find a blank spot on the map near you like I did and make it happen! So EXCALIBUR is here and ain’t going nowhere so get the word out.